
Sunday, December 26, 2010


Either the world is against you all the time, or not against you, or you can't state either of these without making complete nonsense.

It doesn't make any sense to say "the world" is against you.  Why?  The "world" is made up of billions of individuals.  The world as it is, is not a single entity.  In a collective sense, it is, but unless you go and meet EVERY SINGLE person in the world and you find out that they ALL THINK YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE, then you can't realistically claim that everyone is against you, correct? 

This notion is pressed even further when you consider this all-important factoid:

Not one of us is special.  And the universe doesn't care.

It just don't give a fuck. 

So, if you're Brad Pitt, Lady Gaga, or Mike Clement...who the fuck cares?

Well, I care about Mike Clement.  I'm a Mike Clement fan.  Ask me if I am a Brad Pitt or Lady Gaga fan.  Go on, ask me.  Let me answer that question for you right now:
No.  I do not care for Mr. Pitt or Ms. Gaga.  I do not give a fuck about their personal lives.  The universe, if it were a living, breathing entity, which would make no sense, would look at them and think "Well well, what a couple of insignificant shits.  And this Steve DeJohn guy?  Well, he makes no money at all, so he's worth even less!  Sike, I don't give a fuck about him just as much."

This is sobering for us--we are realistic, though depressed. 

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